Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Don't Tell Them. Sell Them!

A blind boy sat on the steps outside of his building with a hat near his feet and with a sign that read, "I am blind. Please help." A man walking by threw some coins in his hat and picked up the sign. He began to write on the back of the sign and put the sign back so everyone who walked by could read the words he just wrote. Soon the hat began to fill up with coins as more and more people began to drop change in. Later on that afternoon the man who had changed the sign returned. The boy recognizing the footsteps asked, "Are you the man that changed my sign? And if so, what did you write?" The man replied, "Yes I am. I only wrote the truth. The sign now says, 'Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it.'"

As we know, it's not what you say but how you say it.

"You are selling to others the words you speak so they can buy what you are saying." ~D.V.
Thank you for reading.

Quote of the month: "Make your haters be your motivators."