Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let It Go If You Want To Grow

Dedicated to our fallen soldier Army Pvt. Charles M. High IV who was killed on Aug. 17.

In order to grow you have to let go of the past.
Give it up to go up! Great adventures of our lives are waiting for us. Success is wating for YOU!

For where you want to be, there is no room in the future for it. You may think you are waiting on life, but life is waiting on us. Success is not defined by holding onto grudges, and bringing the past with you into your future.

"You may want to be more intrested in the future because you are going to spend the rest of your life in it." ~Unknown

Quote of the month: "The meaning of life is to discover your gifts. The purpose of life is to give them away." ~David Viscott

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