Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Fixed Mindset

Continued from 7/19/10... 165 Fixed minded students (those who believe that intelligence is set from their genetics) were given a test to probe their talents. At first they had an unbroken string of success. But then when the questions became more difficult they were heard speaking defeat over themselves, "I never did have a good memory. I guess I am not that smart."= A Victims mentality.

Fixed minded students have had it easy for so long that when a challenge arises they insulate themselves from the possibility of failure because they believe it will devalue who they are.

Check back tomorrow for how this paralyzing mindset is created.

"How do you get stuck right where you are? Blame everything else for how you feel."

Thank you for reading.
Quote of the month: "Commitment is keeping your word after the feeling has passed."

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